Hello all!
I was browsing my web site today, and I realized I have not posted an update for my book in quite some time. Sooo…please forgive my delay and please read on for exciting news. 🙂
My book, Reconstructed: Finding Christian Identity in a Postmodern World, will go on pre-sale August 21st, and it will be available through Amazon and Barnes and Noble online. Officially, Reconstructed will release on September 28th.
Can you believe it?! We are just months away from my lifelong dream becoming a reality.
In the meantime, I am working on revamping my web site and preparing to post blogs more frequently. My publisher, Lucid Books, has been great at working efficiently and professionally. I, unfortunately, have been the one slowing the process. But with graduate school, getting married, and all that goes along with juggling both, I have been swamped! Now that I have a break, though, I can actually keep you guys informed on what is going on in my writing world.