Waves crashing. Sun setting. Wine drinking. Hawaii.
Kevin and I got married just last Sunday. Ever since, we have been honeymooning on the Big Island, enjoying long mountain hikes, dreamy beaches, and dolphin excursions. This honeymoon has been perfect, and this alone time with Kevin has been restful and recharging after months of wedding planning.
And now, as I sit on our ocean-view balcony, I can’t help but think about the whole “honeymoon phase” that so many people say end after the first six months to a year.
Many people say this “in love” feeling fades over time. And although I hope to always be one to listen to my elders, I wonder why people make this claim. I get that life happens, and routine and normalcy take away the exciting “newness” of it all. But if you are with your God-gifted mate for life, then I cannot imagine not being excited about that. I know I am just a newlywed, but my marriage is founded on Christ. And a Christ foundation is solid, lasting, and fun because both partners are trying to love, grace, and forgive like Christ has done for us. A Christian marriage tries to be selfless, and although both partners will likely fail often, the grace that is inherent in the covenant restores that relationship continually because Christ has restored our relationship to Him. How amazing is this?!
Even so, Christian marriages still will not be perfect because we are sinners living in a broken, fallen world. But our marriage to Christ will be perfect. This human covenantal marriage is just a foreshadow – a taste – of what is to come. And every moment spent with our lifelong partner on earth is just a glimpse of what we will experience once we enter heaven.
Christian marriage is meant to reflect Christ’s relationship to His Bride – The Church, His People, Us. And even though human marriages may have a “honeymoon phase” that ebbs and flows with life circumstances, our honeymoon with Christ will never end. Once we enter paradise and into the arms of our Creator, we will forever enjoy the bliss, joy, and pure contentment that a heavenly honeymoon entails.
Marriage on earth is a beautiful thing – I have already experienced this firsthand, even if only for a few days. But all of the beauty found with marrying a godly spouse who wants to listen to worship music with me on the beaches of Hawaii is just a glimpse of what we will experience on the other side of eternity, where we will be worshipping with our heavenly spouse forever with unending, never-ceasing honeymoon paradise.
s/o to Elisabeth Carol Photography for this sweet shot of Kevin’s and my rings